By Fei Nie

Finishing the Year With Harmony

Over the last few weeks we’ve been taking a deeper look at each of the five natural elements (wood, fire, water, earth, and metal) our tonics are based on, and how incorporating them into your routine can help you maintain balance in life. Each of us has a natural inclination toward one of these five natural elements — if you haven’t yet taken our quiz, now is the time to find your element! This week we’re exploring HARMONY Relaxing Plant Tonic.

Well, friends, 2021 is coming to a quick close, believe it or not. The end of a year and the beginning of a new one (with a whole lot of holidays in between) can bring an enormous amount of stress and anxiety into our systems. The last two years may leave you feeling fatigued, as we collectively wonder what 2022 will bring. 

Of course, much of it is out of our control, as exasperating as that can be. It, however, can also be an invitation to take care of yourself. When stress or anxiety hits, it’s often small, healthful actions that can make a world of difference. Studies have shown that even taking 1, 2, or 5 minutes to breathe, calm your nervous system, and root yourself in your strength can better your mood and your entire day. 

Water, one of the five elements of traditional medicine, is perhaps one of the most fascinating of the bunch. It’s ubiquitous, takes many forms, and has immense power.

PXP Breathe

Its wisdom lies in its ability to flow. It moves effortlessly and takes the shape of whatever it contains, moving through seasons of change with strength and courage. As we head into 2022, we should try to be more like water. 

Water is particularly powerful in the winter. It is then that it freezes, conserving energy for the season ahead. If we take water’s lead, we will settle in to conserve and store our own energy flow, or Qi. We use this season for rest, restoration, rejuvenation, and gathering strength for the year ahead when the new seeds will be planted. Going inward allows us to nourish our inner peace to achieve a state of empowerment. 

It may come as a surprise, but having a cup of tea has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Perhaps this is why herbal teas have been the go-to for traditional medicine for thousands of years! Not only does that tea itself work its benefits throughout your system, but the ritual of heating the water, preparing the tea, and sitting to savor its flavor all contribute to well-being. 

We want to invite you to take time this season for yourself. Take those five minutes to go through the ritual, check-in with yourself, and realign your mind and mood for what’s ahead of you. Our HARMONY Relaxing blend was designed with this precise intention. A soothing blend of superfoods and adaptogens, we used apple and pomegranate to restore the central nervous system, and cinnamon and ginger to warm the body. 

If you haven’t yet heard, we are now offering bundling at Plants by People — something we’re really excited about! Our A.M. to P.M. bundle includes two boxes of HARMONY Relaxing Plant Tonic and two boxes of BLOOM Awakening Plant Tonic, saving you over 20% off the normal price. To learn more about the specific benefits of all of our bundles that include the GLOW, THRIVE, and SHINE tonics, click here!